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How Bed Bugs Thrive: Where and Why?


How Bed Bugs Thrive

Bedbugs are tiny, nocturnal creatures that suck human blood and have been a persistent nuisance throughout history. They are associated with diseases because their presence is a sign of poor hygiene and unsanitary conditions, even though they don't spread any. However, these resilient pests can thrive even in the cleanest of environments, which is why understanding them is crucial for effective deterrence. This blog will dive into the world of bedbugs to explore their lifecycles, habitats, and reasons for their persistence to start taking measures at the first hint of an infestation.

1. How do bed bugs thrive? 

Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) are small, wingless insects that undergo a simple metamorphosis, consisting of three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. These eggs are tiny, about the size of a pinhead, and are usually laid in hidden crevices, making them difficult to detect and eradicate. Adult bedbugs can live for several months, feeding on blood every few days. They are resilient to starvation and can survive for months without a meal, making them formidable pests.

2. Where do bedbugs thrive?

Bedbugs thrive in places where humans are present, such as homes, hotels, dormitories, and shelters. They are attracted to the carbon dioxide and body heat emitted by humans, which guide them to their hosts. Places with high turnover rates, such as hotels, hostels, and public transportation, are ideal for bedbugs. The frequent movement of people provides enough opportunities for bedbugs to hitch a ride on luggage, clothing, or personal belongings, spreading infestations.

3. Why do they thrive so efficiently?

Bedbugs have special mouth parts that let them eat quickly and easily. They use a numbing substance and something that keeps blood flowing to feed without the host noticing. Over time, bedbugs have become resistant to many common bug sprays, making it hard to control them with chemicals. They can survive in lots of different temperatures, but very high or very low temperatures can kill them. 

As you can see, bedbugs are a resilient pest that can survive in several environments. Their ability to withstand starvation and household cleaners necessitates immediate bedbug treatment that is aimed particularly at these tiny vampires. If you have spotted any on your beds, clothes, or sofas, then the case is already out of your hands, so get in touch with a pest control service near you immediately. 

One such pest control service in Mumbai that are expert at bedbug pest control is Truly Nolen India. They employ targeted disinfection and can solve all your pest problems, and their follow-ups guarantee the longevity of their bedbug treatment efforts. Get in touch with the expert and trained team at Truly Nolen India and reclaim your bedroom from these bedbugs.  


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