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What are the different types of Ant infestations you might find in your Home?


Ant infestations

India is home to around 7 per cent of the world's insect population, and ants comprise two-thirds of the biomass of all insects. This means that the possibility of you finding one is completely normal. It is only natural that you have ants in your surroundings. However, having an infestation is where it gets problematic. Some arguments can be made that black ants are harmless and only red ones need to be removed. This blog will list the most common types of ants you might find in your home so that you can quickly call pest control services if you spot the dangerous ones.

1. Camponotus or Carpenter ants 

Carpenter ants are large insects that are typically black but can also be red or a combination of colours. They build their nests in wood, particularly damp or decaying wood, which can lead to significant structural damage. The most effective way to prevent carpenter ant infestations is to repair any water leaks and damaged wood. In cases of severe infestations, consider seeking the assistance of a professional pest control service to locate and eliminate the nests.

2. Argentine ants or Linepithema humile

Argentine ants are small, light to dark brown ants that frequently form large colonies. These ants prefer moist environments and can quickly infest an entire house while searching for food. To avoid them from entering your house, keep food sealed in airtight containers and clean up spills immediately. Also, address any moisture issues in your home to discourage these ants from making a home in your home.

3. Tapinoma sessile or Odorous house ants

These small ants are typically brown or black and emit a distinct coconut-like odour when crushed. They are drawn to sweet foods and frequently establish their nests indoors, particularly near food sources. To prevent these ants from entering your home, ensure that sweet foods are properly stored, maintain a clean kitchen, and seal any potential entry points.

4. Solenopsis molesta or thief ants

Thief ants are tiny insects that are typically yellow or light brown. They make their nests near other ant colonies so they can steal food. These ants are particularly drawn to greasy and protein-rich foods. The best way to help control thief ants is to keep all protein and grease-based foods sealed and clean and use targeted baits to eliminate them. 

In conclusion, the success of your ant control plan depends on proper initial identification, and only a timely intervention can reduce casualties on both sides. To get the best ant control service, you can get in touch with Truly Nolen India. They use only safe products that do not pose any harm to kids or pests after treatment. Visit Truly Nolen India to get an inspection today and step towards a cleaner and healthier living environment. 


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