Flying termites, also known as "alates," are the reproductive stage of termites. Spotting a flying swarm nearby is a sure sign of a large termite nest near you. Under normal circumstances, termites do not fly; however, swarming can be triggered by increased moisture in the air or excessive humidity.
If you notice flying termites in your house or find small pairs of wings scattered around, it's advisable to contact pest control services immediately. In the meantime, this blog will provide you with essential information about flying termites, including what to do and what not to do when encountering them. By the end of this blog, it will be clear to you why termite pest control is the only long-term protection against termite infestations.
Regularly inspect and seal any openings in your home's foundation, walls, and windows to prevent their entry.
Flying termites are attracted to light, so keeping outdoor lights off at night can reduce the likelihood of them swarming around your home.
Termites thrive on decaying wood, so removing any fallen trees, stumps, or wood debris from your property can help deter them from establishing colonies nearby.
If you suspect a termite infestation or notice flying termites around your property, don't hesitate to contact a licenced pest control professional. They have the expertise and tools to accurately assess the situation and implement effective treatment options.
Ignoring the presence of these pests could lead to a full-blown infestation, causing extensive damage to your property.
Using over-the-counter pesticides or attempting homemade remedies without proper knowledge can worsen the problem and pose risks to your health and the environment.
Avoid neglecting outdoor maintenance tasks that could attract termites to your property.
Don't Panic. While discovering flying termites can be alarming, panicking won't solve the problem. Stay calm, take proactive measures, and enlist the help of professionals to address the issue effectively.
In conclusion, being vigilant of your surroundings is the first step to ensuring your space is protected against these starch-gobblers. If you are looking for a termite treatment service for your property, then the first name that comes to mind is Truly Nolen India. They employ Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to sanitise your space, which is a technique that renders your space completely safe for pets and kids. Visit Truly Nolen India to get the best pest control services for all your commercial and residential needs.
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